2018 May PCHS Student of the Month: Ryan Brueggemann

Murphy-Wall State Bank and Trust Company employee Sarah Folden gives PCHS student Ryan Brueggemann the 2018 May Student of the Month award

Since 1995 Murphy-Wall State Bank has selected a Student of the Month for Pinckneyville Community High School.  Selection for the honor begins in September of each school year, with seniors submitting a 500 word essay on a selected topic. This year’s topic was:  Describe leadership and how you have demonstrated leadership ability in your school, work and community.  Nine students of the month are selected by an anonymous committee from outside the community.  Each Student of the Month receives $50 from Murphy-Wall State Bank and will be in the running for 2018 MWSB PCHS Student of the Year.  This year 18 essays were submitted and all of them were very well written, and inspiring.
To view this year’s previous Student of the Month click here