2019 Applefest
Murphy-Wall State Bank and Trust Company was awarded second place in the Business and Industry category for their float entry in the 2019 Murphysboro Apple Festival Parade. Bank employees and friends from all four branches volunteered their time over the past week to construct an entry for the theme, “A Slice of Tradition.” A long-running Murphy-Wall slogan came to mind, “Banking with TLC – Tradition, Leadership, and Commitment.”
This year, Murphy-Wall is harking back on traditions from all the way back to 1874, while celebrating their 145th anniversary in business. Coincidentally, the St. Louis Blues enjoyed their first Stanley Cup win earlier this summer. So, along with the red and yellow petal paper for Murphysboro, this year’s float gave a nod to the famed hockey team with dashes reflecting the team’s official colors of white, navy blue, royal blue and gold.
Murphy-Wall State Bank enthusiastically supports the Murphysboro community, and we enjoyed greeting the “miles of smiles” along the parade route again this year.