“Just when” you thought you’d seen the best… Murphy-Wall State Bank now offers Just WIN!, accounts for every individual. With a $100 minimum opening deposit, enjoy free access to your account balance and daily transactional activity. Avoid a $5 service charge by electing to receive electronic periodic statements, disclosures, and notices.
The monthly service charge may be waived by electing to receive Periodic Statements, Notices, and Disclosures in electronic format.2
Give us a call or stop by one of our branches.
Use our Compare Accounts tool to help you decide.
1Basic Digital Banking includes access to account balances and daily transactional activity. Additional Basic Digital Banking services may be available. Refer to our Electronic Funds Transfer Agreement and Disclosure, Digital Banking Services Agreement and Disclosure, and Electronic Delivery Consent and Agreement.
2If at any time electronic delivery is discontinued, there will no longer be a Monthly Service charge waive and there will be a $5.00 monthly charge. Member FDIC.