Ebanking Login

Woman with coffee mug looking at a laptop

Other Electronic Services


Wire Transfer

Need to send or receive money same day? Ask about our Wire Transfer Services! There is a $25.00 fee for Incoming and Outgoing Domestic Wire Transfers. We charge $50.00 fee for all International Wire Transfers.


Incoming Wire Transfer Info

Outgoing Wire Transfer Info


Customers may request to receive their teller transaction receipts electronically via email from any of our full-service banking locations. Simply complete the short request form with a teller or CSR and we’ll take it from there! You won’t have to worry about fumbling with or dropping and losing your receipts. Saving them electronically will also assist you in trying to match them up when balancing monthly statements.


Even if you change your mind and want a physical receipt, we can do that too! No worries!!

Feel free to talk to any Customer Service Representative about our newest electronic service.


Direct Deposit

Why run to the bank every payday when you could just have your check deposited automatically? With Direct Deposit you get the funds credited to your account sooner, and you never have to worry about checks getting lost in the mail. Ask your payroll department about Direct Deposit!


ACH Automated Enrollment

Murphy-Wall State Bank offers Automated Enrollment to set up direct deposit to a DDA or SAV account for the following federal payments and benefits:

Social Security

Supplemental Security Income

Veteran’s benefits

Veteran’s Compensation and Pension

Veteran’s Education MGIB

Veteran’s Education/Selected Reserve

Veteran’s Life Insurance

Veteran’s Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Benefits

Railroad Retirement/Annuity benefits

Railroad Retirement Unemployment/Sickness benefits

Federal Civil Service Retirement/Annuity

Federal Civil Service Survivor/Annuity

This Automated Enrollment process is available for first time recipients of Direct Deposit as well as changing from another bank to Murphy-Wall State Bank. A direct deposit authorization is originated and the customer’s data is sent to the Federal Agency selected.


Or you may call Social Security Administration direct at 800-772-1213 Toll Free Service from 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
(Business Days) or go online at www.ssa.gov.


For more helpful information try: https://www.ssa.gov/deposit/howtosign.htm


Telephone Banking Service

Use any telephonic connection to access our free service to obtain balance information including information about items, such as checks, debits, and deposits, that have posted to your account.

Additional fee-based options such as funds transfer and copies of statements may also be available depending on your accounts with us.

To use our telephone or mobile banking services you must be a customer of Murphy-Wall State Bank and Trust Company and have a signed Electronic Banking Agreement on file. Read our Terms and Conditions for complete details

Apply Online


Auto Pay

Our secure Auto Pay service is a great way to make sure you never miss a payment again. Just set up a preauthorized transfer and we will take care of that payment every month. It’s that easy!


Cent $aver

When you’re trying to save money, every cent counts! The Cent $aver Savings Program rounds up your daily debit card purchases to the nearest dollar and deposits into your savings account!

    Sign up for Cent $aver1
    —All you need is a debit card, checking account, and savings account2
  2. SWIPE
    Use your debit card to make everyday purchases3
    —This goes for you or anyone using a debit card on the account
  3. SAVE
    Rounds up your purchases to the nearest dollar
    —The extra change goes straight to your savings account


Explore More Services Offered


Woman using credit card to pay

Take your debit card home with you the same day

Instant Issue VISA® Check Card

Man looking at his phone

View your account anywhere with mobile banking

Digital Banking

Safety Deposit Boxes

Rented space for the security of your valuables

Safe Deposit Boxes


1Enrollment in the Cent $aver Savings Program can be initiated by visiting our website or contacting a Customer Service Representative. Cent $aver Program Agreement required. Restrictions and Limitations may apply.

2The “Eligible accounts” consist of Murphy-Wall State Bank and Trust Company consumer checking and consumer savings accounts. Eligible checking account must be linked to Murphy-Wall Visa® Check Card. In the case of joint ownership on the designated checking account, each debit card holder will be enrolled in the service. Like ownership must exist in both the checking and savings account enrolled in the Cent $aver Savings Program. Please refer to the Cent $aver Program Agreement & Disclosure for more information on the governing terms referencing the restrictions of this program.

3A “qualified purchase” is defined as a one-time PIN or Signature-based debit card transaction made in person or online using your debit card. Transactions excluded from counting as a “qualified purchase” include, but are not limited to ATM transactions and cash advance transactions. A single transfer of the cumulative amount from all qualifying transactions will be deposited at the end of each business day.

Full disclosure or terms and conditions will be provided at product or service opening, upon request, or as required by law or regulation. Contact a CSR for Complete Details! Member FDIC.